Wednesday 30 May 2012

Writing Activity

We have been learning how to plan correctly and to make our main ideas make sense and use supporting information. Fun is not a main idea because its not what you did. Mrs Larsen showed  us a site called Bubble us and its like a program that you can  make brainstorms in. We had to plan a story about Rutherford and here's mine. 

Vist To The Museum

Today Room 15 and 6 went to the Museum. We got split up into 2 groups and taken to our cool activity. The person that took us said that we had to take shoes off then we went into the cosmodome. It looked like we were outside someones house and the sun was right there. It was so amazing. I had never seen anything like it before. My favorite part is where he showed us Matariki, the mum and her 6 children Waita,  Waiti, Tupuanuku, Tupuarangi, Waipunarangi and Ururangi. After we had been in the Cosmodome Awhina showed us to celebrate Puanga. We can play games.

Monday 28 May 2012

Free Writing

W.A.L.T Check Story Makes Sence 

In the weekend My dad was here and he went to the movies with me and we watched Men in Black . Men in black was enjoyable because Will Smith played a character that went back in time to save his friend  K and Will Smiths name was J . The next day my dad watched my rugby game and we won by 63-0 I loved that rugby game it was so fun because I got player of the day and I scored 4 tries against Ruheupu.

Striving for Accuracy

We have been focusing on a new habit. We had to draw a picture of a time when we made a mistake. Mine was that I make fun of people when they get out in a game and I got sin binned. Now when we play games and people get out I strive for accuracy and I don't say anything and I just mind my own business.

Friday 18 May 2012

Week 4 Reflection

WHAT: On Monday a very good artist called Graham Braddock came to our school. Firstly he showed us some of his drawings and then we started to draw the possum that he had. We had to do little dots and make a square so we can fit the body on the page. Secondly we had to draw another square so the head can fit. When we started to draw the possum we were not allowed to do really dark lines. When we were done it looked so awesome. Today we got to do some really fun stuff on our own blog like we had to change our names on the blog and we got to put a profile picture on it.

SO WHAT: This week I got some nice tips on drawing like to do some really nice shading. This week I learnt it's important to persist in everything.

NOW WHAT: My goal next week is to finish my work. Next week I want to finish my Picasso face.

Friday 11 May 2012

Week 3 Reflection

WHAT:On Thursday we went to buddy art with Room 12 and we were drawing Picasso faces. My buddy Emily drew her face and it looked like it was a scary boy. On Thursday we did some Maori and we did feelings like makariki-cold, wera-hot and heaps more. On Monday we went to Rutherford again and did PE and Music. For Music we got to have a go on the drums and guitar. At PE the teacher showed us a new game and it was like football and netball.

SO WHAT: I learn't how to say some more Maori.

NOW WHAT: My goal is to be a king on the success-o-meter and I want to finish more work on time.


Friday 4 May 2012

Week 2 Reflection

WHAT: On Monday from now on we go to Rutherford Junior High and we  do music and PE. For music we get to play on the piano and the guitar. On the piano I can play Mary had a little lamb and twinkle twinkle little star. On Thursday we made our favorite character in our favorite book. I picked an old man. You use a toilet roll and coloured paper to create them.

SO WHAT:This week I learn't how to make a reading bug.

NOW WHAT: Next week I want to play more games and I want to be a lion on the success-o-meter.