Thursday 13 December 2012

Word Activity

My family is an aquarium.

My dad is a great white shark because he is the biggest in the house and you don’t want to make him angry.

My mum is angel fish because she is graceful and pretty.

My little brother is a cat fish because he picks all his toys up then he makes another mess.

I am a sting ray because I like hiding from my brother when we’re playing hide and go seek.

My family is a aquarium but they’re all normal to me.

Friday 7 December 2012


For our Contract we got given heaps of activities to do and I picked the logo where you have to create a logo for your co2 car.

Week 8 Reflection

WHAT: On Monday the Year 6's went to the hall to practice there haka and waiatas for the leavers item. On Tuesday We did heaps for our CO2 cars and now we are starting to make them. On Wednesday the Year 6's that do road patrol went to a movie and we got an ice cream. When we got back we went and saw some contortionists from the circus in the hall. They were bending their backs and heaps more things.

SO WHAT: This week I have learn't how to make a good CO2 car that goes really fast.

Now what: Next week I want to do my work a lot better and finish it on time. Next week I want to remember to bring my togs. 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Reading Act

For our reading activity we needed to make a poster about how you should not to go to Danny's house because he eats discusting food like frog eyes for dessert. This is mine.